Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Watch OUT!

My BABY got his drivers license today. Yes, it is true. It seems like he was my baby just yesterday. When the DMV took his picture I just thought how young he looked. Now it seems the older I get the faster time goes. He will be 18 in two years. I think I will cry now (and pray for his safe return every night). This sure does open a new can of worms.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thankyou to the stranger at Costco

Wednesday mornings are always crazy for me. I have two trainings in the morning and by the time I am done, I have 15 minutes to get the kids ready for school and out the door. Bob can only do so much and when I asked Alec why his dad didn't comb his hair I got the response, "Dad has better things to do." So I, who apparently has less better things to do, combed all the kids' hair and we were out the door. Luckily for me, Jack had preschool today and I had a few hours to myself. After a little cleaning I got in the shower and pulled on my jeans. I was wondering if my pants were tight possibly from the dryer (I hoped) or was my butt getting fat? I do have trouble finding time for my own workouts after training others on a daily basis. Yes, I thought my butt must be bigger. After looking at my butt from several different angles I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Therefore, I did what anyone else in this situation would do, I tried to look even less attractive by putting the least amount of effort into my hair. (Or maybe that is what I do on a daily basis.) Why try when my back side was so troubled. Anyway, I went to Costco to pick up my Christmas Cards (thanks Carly for the design) and while standing in line the cute mom with her kids in front of me apologized for starring at me but she said I was so beautiful she couldn't help it. Well, my thoughts of my butt went straight out the door and I thought to myself, "Could it be true?" True or not she made me feel like a million bucks and it only took her 5 seconds to totally make my day. Thank you cute mom at Costco and I will definitely be passing this one on. And no, I won't be posting a picture with this one.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Braving the Ute/BYU game.

THANK YOU SCOTT AND ALLISON FOR TAKING US TO THE U of U/BYU football game. WE had GREAT seats. However, yes, I was a little scared. Rooting for the Y in prime Ute territory (except for BOB). Yes, we had some very drunk Ute fans behind us. One which decided to moon us. Very classy Utah fans, pull down your pants and show us your butt. Need I say more?? Oh and Dane, if only you were sitting behind us I might want to come back.

The Happiest Place on Earth...that is what they say.

We have had a busy few weeks and I am just now getting around to posting. We went to Disneyland a few weeks ago and had a blast. We went with my parents and my brother's family. This is our first time going to D-land since Bob was hired by Mickey. It was awesome using our Silver cast memeber card which allows us free access to the park and a ton of discounts throughout.
We drove to California on Friday, Nov. 14th. On Saturday we went to California adventure and the wind must have been just perfect to pick up the ash from the fires and drop it on us for half of the day. I don't want to know what happens when you breathe and eat ash. Sunday we walked along Newport beach. Then back to Disneyland for Monday and Tuesday. Devon loved being out of school and in the 85 degree California weather. Sydney loved her new discovery of Pin Collecting and my Mom soon hopped on that wagon. Alec was very cautious of all rides. The hill at the beginning of Pirates was a little too much for him. Jack would have gone on any ride. He loved it all.
Wednesday we traveled all the way home to find out the circuit to our garage door had tripped so our keyless entry into our house was not working. We also failed to bring keys. After several minutes of checking all windows and doors we discovered Devon's second story bedroom window was not locked. For once Devon's irresponsibility saved us. We borrowed the neighbors ladder and jumped through the window. Yes, that was the end of a great vacation.
I am sure this is just the beginning of several D-land trips. Until next time.....


Can I just say THANKYOU CARLY for my Blog Makeover. WOW is all I can say. I love it!!!! Carly is also my cousin and has some amazing blogs. If you are interested in her service you can contact her here and also here .

What about BOB??????

Did I ever mention what a hunk my husband is. I scored big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Here are my sweet Trick or Treaters

So we let Alec and Sydney go around the neighborhood with a large group of kids which included the triplets (Alex, Marissa, Rachel), their friend Sydney, and my sisters kids, Tasia, Tristen, and Whitley. They were equipped with a cell phone and a buddy system and we sent them on their way to trick or treat to their hearts content. If you can't tell, my Alec is skeleton Jack Sparrow, Sydney is a cheerleader wearing my old North Layton Jr. cheerleading uniform(orange and black). The Eagles cheerleader is my niece Tasia. My little Jack is a pirate. Maybe Jack Sparrow, however, he wouldn't let us call him that. My sister and I then took our little ones Jack and Abby to about 8 houses which made them happy. Then we came to watch the masses exit the Haunted Woods. Little ones were crying, older kids were running down the driveway to "do it again", and Adults were laughing at their scared youngsters. And we do this because??? WERE OPEN FROM 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. next year. SEE YA THEN!

Introducing the HAUNTED WOODS

Last year we decided to put our Scrub Oak covered lot next door to good use. We created the Haunted Woods and decided to do it again this year. Above are some photos of our scary spookers which includes Devon and his friends and my Mom and Dad. We also have our neighbors the Romney's and of course Bob. Then I have pictures of the set up which we do earlier in the day. Kids love the Haunted Woods so I am afraid if we don't have it next year we may get tricked. Oh, well. It's a lot of work but what we don't do for a few hours of entertainment.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Alec

Dear Alec,

Happy Birthday my little cuddle bug. You have the most contagious smile I have ever seen. I took a ton of pictures of you just because I love the way you smile. You just do not take a bad picture. You are now 7 years old and you are such a joy. I love how curious you are and your talent of creating. We are just seeing the amazing things you can build with legos. You have an incredible memory. I love the top picture here of you digging for your treasure. Your safety glasses are adorable. I love the picture of you with your siblings because it is hard to get you all together at one time. The third picture down is my favorite because I love how Sydney has her hand on your shoulder. She is always so protective of you and very helpful. Also, Dad is in this picture so it is great. I like how you opened your presents standing on the chair. I think you were just too excited to sit. The last picture is just classic Alec. SMILE AND ALL. I love you Birthday boy.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

Dear Devon,

Today is your birthday and you are 16 years old. I can't believe how fast you have grown. I remember when you were three and couldn't leave home without a guy in your hand and your favorite mask. Now you will be driving and dating and you no longer need me to help you do most things. Remember that I adore you. I think you are funny and strong and smart. Happy Birthday to my First Born Son.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lake Powell for UEA!!

We decided to go to lake Powell for the UEA weekend. We left on Wednesday and arrived after dark. We slowly made our way to the Houseboat which belonged to our friends, Kris and Greg Decker. Greg had made it to the Lake before us and had found a spot with the houseboat. Thanks to the full moon we arrived safely. The next morning we got up early to take a boat ride and as we were headed out of the canyon we hit a mountain, as I call it, under the water and ruined our prop and rudder which limited our speed at 5 miles per hour. Bob dropped us off at the houseboat and he and Greg immediately left to try and find another prop but no luck. Bob was able to find someone to hammer out the tangled prop as much as possible but left our boat with a top speed of 10 MPH. The kids still were able to wake surf. We also took the kids to Forgotten Canyon to see the Indian ruins. I had never been to Lake Powell and I was blown away by its beauty. Very few times in my life have I seen anything so spectacular. If you have never been to Lake Powell, you should add it to your list of things to do.

Last Sunday we woke up to Winter in October.

Who would of thought we would get 3 inches of snow on October 13. WOW. Our boat was still sitting in the driveway. Still not winterized and in freezing temps. We sure were scared about the boat as we were taking it to Lake Powell the next week. You can see my poor Halloween decorations under the snow. Poor things.

The top pic is my Dad, Sister Kristi, and brother Scott.
The next is of me and my two sisters, sister-in-law and my mom.
Then my Dad and Scott.
Last is Devon holding Scott and Sidra's baby Euan.