Sunday, November 8, 2009

Beautiful Sunset

When I looked outside the other night and saw this sunset I had to run for my camera.  It is easy to forget the little things God has given us as simple reminders that HE loves us.

A fall picture my kids.

Alec turns 8 years old

Alec just turned 8 and was baptized.   We had such a great evening with family and friends.   We love you Alec!!!

Devon turned 17

Devon turned 17!    Devon is a really great kid and I love him:}  Happy Birthday.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Christmas decorations for my mother in law.

Bob's mom gives ornaments out each year at our family Christmas party. This year we are spending Christmas Eve and Christmas day at Beaver Creek Lodge. She wanted a personalized ornament so I volunteered to help. I saw something similar to this at Swiss Days so this is my version of it. I don't know why my pics are blurry. I need to learn to edit.

Friday, September 25, 2009

I am back...I think.

This blog is not updated as often as I would like it to be but Bob bought me a new camera for my birthday and I am inspired again. It is a Cannon Rebel and as Bob asked me after I opened it, "Haven't you seen the commercial?" "No I have not," I said. Then Devon said, "Mom, even I have seen the commercial." No matter though, I love the camera. Whoa, it takes way, way ,way, better pictures so here are some of my favorites. I even used some of the creative settings. If I can only figure out how to edit on Adobe (Carly).
Also, I have been working on a craft. I think I will post it tomorrow. It is a Christmas craft so stay posted (wait..I think I am the only one that reads this thing).
AND...being a personal trainer and all, I will be posting a fitness challenge just in case I have any health conscious readers or reader. I don't know when that will happen. Hopefully soon.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday Jack

Jack turned 4 years old yesterday. My kids are getting really old. Jack had to wait until Bob got home from work at 6:30. The anticipation just about killed him off. He was so excited to open his presents that his hands were shaking. It was so cute. He got a bike that moves by turning the wheel back and forth, money, a bank, and squirt gun. We then went outside to hit the pinata. It was going well until Devon hit it so hard that the candy became flying weapons. One which hit my mom in the jaw. Nice. Anyway...doughnuts are the cake of choice around here. Jack... thanks for keeping us on our toes. You are a darling, even when you yell at us to get your chocolate milk. Love you.

Happy Birthday BOB

Yes I am a few days late but that is my life. Happy 38th birthday to my handsome husband, BOB, on June 5th. Anyone who knows BOB knows what I am saying when I say that he is the nicest person ever. It seems like he and I were made for each other. Bob would do anything for me. Bob is caring, thoughtful, a hard worker, handsome, smart, and fun. I love you BOB.

We had Mother's Day at my house. My kids gave me an ihome for my cycling classes which I really needed. It was a really nice day. Kristi and her family, Mandy and her family and my parents came. I didn't even get a picture of my mom. Crap!


BOB and I decided to go on a cruise the end of March. Yes, without kids. Nine days without kids! I didn't have to get anyone a drink, bath, new underwear, cook dinner, clean, wash, wipe noses, etc, etc. We flew to Florida on a Saturday and boarded our boat which was Royal Caribbeans Independence of the Seas. We had a beautiful room with a balcony overlooking the Caribbean. ( Devon is 16 years old and I went on my honeymoon when he was 4 yrs. old but since then I have only been away for a few days here and there.) I had no idea what it meant to have no schedule. Time meant nothing unless we were wondering if the cafe was open for our 5th meal of the day or 6th dessert or just to know when Mr. Sprinkles the ice cream machine was still open. Did I mention how good the food was? Yes we gained a few lbs. Anyway, back to time meaning nothing, we would stay awake until 2 AM and wake up when we wanted to. It was wonderful. We stopped in Belize, Cozumel, and Costa Maya. The weather was beautiful. I loved spending so much time with my husband. I love him!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I just really want to get a book at the library.

I recently discovered that you can put books on hold at the library online. How cool is this??? With the economy so crapy, I am determined to not buy any new books. I have a book that I really want to read but apparently so does everyone else because there are no available copies of this particular book at the library. However, without leaving my own home I can be on the waiting list. I am currently 36th in line. I will wait.

My brother moved to Taiwan three weeks ago. His wife did not. It was her job to pack up the house and sell or dispose of all possesions, including a car and scooter. My brother, Scott, also gave her a list of things he forgot to do or did not get around to doing before he left. Did I mention she has 3 kids under the age of four (one still nursing)? Needless to say, she has needed help. If it has been at all stressful on me (maybe why I am wanting to go to the library so bad) I can't imagine how she feels. Poor thing, she looks exhausted. All I can say is that Scotty owes her BIG TIME. Wait, maybe he owes me big time. So off to the airport they will go tomorrow. They leave at 9PM and the pain will begin. Please let time speed by for Sidras sake. Please let the kiddies sleep.

Please let time go by fast so I can get my BOOK!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Are you missing lifes most important treasures?

I am fascinated by this story of Josh Bell, one of the worlds greatest musicians, and his experiment of playing in the Metro subway station in Washington D.C. An average seat at one of his performances would cost you $100. He was asked by the Washington Post to play his violin for 45 minutes to see if passersbys would notice him. Josh Bell brought his 3.5 million dollar violin made in the 1700's and began to play some of the most elegant music ever written. Thousands of people walked by but only one person stopped and noticed him.. Here is the link if you would like to read article and watch video.

Bob said is wasn't fair because people on the subway are focused on their commute and jobs and places they need to go. I agree, however, sometimes we miss out on the good stuff in life because we are not willing to listen to the music. I'd like to think that I would have stopped to listen to Josh Bell yet I know in my heart that I have put off my children, husband, parents, siblings, etc. for other less important things. I get focused on places I need to go and chores that need to be finished right this minute. WHY?? I don't know. Next time I am going to stop to listen to the music in my life.

Monday, February 2, 2009

HAPPY 80th Birthday to my Grandma!

Saturday we had a surprise party for my Grandma. It was her 80th birthday and boy was she surprised. We had a great time and the program was spectacular. I love this picture of my grandma with her daughters.
My grandma is such a good example to me and these are my memories of her:
I used to spend the night at her house and was very excited whenever the occasion came around to do so. I loved playing with cousins across the street. I remember her chin up bar in the doorway that we used to do flips and tricks on. I loved her homemade bread. I remember the Cracker tin that sits on her counter and I know in the laundry room she has a tin up high where she keeps her dried apricots. I knew if it was May or so we could go in the garden to eat peas. I used to look forward to putting up corn and lunch was always corn on the cob and homemade bread. I will never forget seeing my grandma and grandpa praying hand in hand and always inviting us kids to join them. My Grandma is my example and I hope I can be just as cool as her when I get to be her age. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It was Sydney's birthday on Sunday, January 25th. She turned 10 years old. Has it really been 10 years since she was born and I paced the floor night after night with a crying baby in my arms? Every night seemed to last so long I couldn't fathom that little girl would ever grow up to be 10 years old. What a beautiful girl she has grown into. She is loving and kind and smart. I learn from her generosity and her love of life. I was wishing Jack to be a little sister for her but love the bond we share of being the only girls in the family. I can't help but to think of the good time that just she and I have had and will have. I also don't know what I would do without her. She takes care of us all. Sydney, Happy Birthday. I love you.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Motherhood is really funny sometimes

I really hope Devon doesn't read this. Ever. He will be totally embarrassed I blogged about this but it is so funny I don't ever want to forget it.

The other day Devon came running down the stairs in a panic. Apparently, he was in the midst of shaving his head with the hair clippers, took off the attachment to trim up his neck and saw a spot he missed earlier. He forgot he took off the attachment and now he has a bald strip on the front of head.

His face had panic written all over it as this is the second time in a 3 month period this has happened. He didn't want to face his friends again with this heinous hairdo. He informed me he would not be going to bed until he made a wig.

His first failed attempt was to put his shaved off hair onto a piece of tape and try to adhere it to his head. Devon's second failed attempt was to color his shaved head with a black marker hoping the black would blend in with his BROWN hair. He asked me how to make a wig then he asked if our neighbor who is a hairdresser had any wigs for sale. He tried to do a comb over with the surrounding air which was all of about 3 cm long. Then he went to bed. (I was secretly laughing the whole time.)

A few days later he discovered that he could pile on his shaved off hair (and why is it not in the garbage by now?) and hairspray it onto his head. Who knows how much hairspray this takes. It actually looked pretty good to the untrained eye. He was so pleased with this he decided to try this on a school day. I guess his friends caught on to it because he said they ripped it off and laughed at him. Thank goodness he is a boy. His hair is now growing back and is not looking quite so obvious. If I can get a picture of it without him knowing I will post it to the blog.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Spinner Bikes

THESE BEAUTIES have been my latest obsession. I have wanted my own spinning bikes for a long time. I found them at Costco for a really good price so BOB bought them for me. YEAH!! I have been running for so long that my hips have become really tight and painful. I have stopped running until summer and now my hips have been pain free. I feel like a new woman. And really, how can you not love cycling to Earth, Wind and Fire, Sheryl Crow, Queen, U2, etc. etc. IF you haven't tried it I really recommend it.

Disclaimer: I only recommend it if the teacher is good. I have been to some really bad teachers and it is NOT fun.

Two Month Catch Up!

I don't know where my time has gone. The holidays were really crazy and January seemed to be just as crazy. Our Christmas was great! We had the Lowe Family Party at our house. We also had the Morris Family party here. There are pictures of my Mom reading her christmas story to the kids. Also, Syd and I went to the nutcracker and so Bob took our picture before we left. This is a tradition that Sydney and I have done together for the last 3 or 4 years. We both love it and the boys are just happy they don't have to go. work for everyone. Also....this will probably be the last snowman I build this year. Actually, I should have said the only snowman. Jack and Alec seem to be happy with it. It's really my best work.