Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Watch OUT!

My BABY got his drivers license today. Yes, it is true. It seems like he was my baby just yesterday. When the DMV took his picture I just thought how young he looked. Now it seems the older I get the faster time goes. He will be 18 in two years. I think I will cry now (and pray for his safe return every night). This sure does open a new can of worms.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thankyou to the stranger at Costco

Wednesday mornings are always crazy for me. I have two trainings in the morning and by the time I am done, I have 15 minutes to get the kids ready for school and out the door. Bob can only do so much and when I asked Alec why his dad didn't comb his hair I got the response, "Dad has better things to do." So I, who apparently has less better things to do, combed all the kids' hair and we were out the door. Luckily for me, Jack had preschool today and I had a few hours to myself. After a little cleaning I got in the shower and pulled on my jeans. I was wondering if my pants were tight possibly from the dryer (I hoped) or was my butt getting fat? I do have trouble finding time for my own workouts after training others on a daily basis. Yes, I thought my butt must be bigger. After looking at my butt from several different angles I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Therefore, I did what anyone else in this situation would do, I tried to look even less attractive by putting the least amount of effort into my hair. (Or maybe that is what I do on a daily basis.) Why try when my back side was so troubled. Anyway, I went to Costco to pick up my Christmas Cards (thanks Carly for the design) and while standing in line the cute mom with her kids in front of me apologized for starring at me but she said I was so beautiful she couldn't help it. Well, my thoughts of my butt went straight out the door and I thought to myself, "Could it be true?" True or not she made me feel like a million bucks and it only took her 5 seconds to totally make my day. Thank you cute mom at Costco and I will definitely be passing this one on. And no, I won't be posting a picture with this one.