Thursday, February 26, 2009

I just really want to get a book at the library.

I recently discovered that you can put books on hold at the library online. How cool is this??? With the economy so crapy, I am determined to not buy any new books. I have a book that I really want to read but apparently so does everyone else because there are no available copies of this particular book at the library. However, without leaving my own home I can be on the waiting list. I am currently 36th in line. I will wait.

My brother moved to Taiwan three weeks ago. His wife did not. It was her job to pack up the house and sell or dispose of all possesions, including a car and scooter. My brother, Scott, also gave her a list of things he forgot to do or did not get around to doing before he left. Did I mention she has 3 kids under the age of four (one still nursing)? Needless to say, she has needed help. If it has been at all stressful on me (maybe why I am wanting to go to the library so bad) I can't imagine how she feels. Poor thing, she looks exhausted. All I can say is that Scotty owes her BIG TIME. Wait, maybe he owes me big time. So off to the airport they will go tomorrow. They leave at 9PM and the pain will begin. Please let time speed by for Sidras sake. Please let the kiddies sleep.

Please let time go by fast so I can get my BOOK!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Are you missing lifes most important treasures?

I am fascinated by this story of Josh Bell, one of the worlds greatest musicians, and his experiment of playing in the Metro subway station in Washington D.C. An average seat at one of his performances would cost you $100. He was asked by the Washington Post to play his violin for 45 minutes to see if passersbys would notice him. Josh Bell brought his 3.5 million dollar violin made in the 1700's and began to play some of the most elegant music ever written. Thousands of people walked by but only one person stopped and noticed him.. Here is the link if you would like to read article and watch video.

Bob said is wasn't fair because people on the subway are focused on their commute and jobs and places they need to go. I agree, however, sometimes we miss out on the good stuff in life because we are not willing to listen to the music. I'd like to think that I would have stopped to listen to Josh Bell yet I know in my heart that I have put off my children, husband, parents, siblings, etc. for other less important things. I get focused on places I need to go and chores that need to be finished right this minute. WHY?? I don't know. Next time I am going to stop to listen to the music in my life.

Monday, February 2, 2009

HAPPY 80th Birthday to my Grandma!

Saturday we had a surprise party for my Grandma. It was her 80th birthday and boy was she surprised. We had a great time and the program was spectacular. I love this picture of my grandma with her daughters.
My grandma is such a good example to me and these are my memories of her:
I used to spend the night at her house and was very excited whenever the occasion came around to do so. I loved playing with cousins across the street. I remember her chin up bar in the doorway that we used to do flips and tricks on. I loved her homemade bread. I remember the Cracker tin that sits on her counter and I know in the laundry room she has a tin up high where she keeps her dried apricots. I knew if it was May or so we could go in the garden to eat peas. I used to look forward to putting up corn and lunch was always corn on the cob and homemade bread. I will never forget seeing my grandma and grandpa praying hand in hand and always inviting us kids to join them. My Grandma is my example and I hope I can be just as cool as her when I get to be her age. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!