Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It was Sydney's birthday on Sunday, January 25th. She turned 10 years old. Has it really been 10 years since she was born and I paced the floor night after night with a crying baby in my arms? Every night seemed to last so long I couldn't fathom that little girl would ever grow up to be 10 years old. What a beautiful girl she has grown into. She is loving and kind and smart. I learn from her generosity and her love of life. I was wishing Jack to be a little sister for her but love the bond we share of being the only girls in the family. I can't help but to think of the good time that just she and I have had and will have. I also don't know what I would do without her. She takes care of us all. Sydney, Happy Birthday. I love you.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Motherhood is really funny sometimes

I really hope Devon doesn't read this. Ever. He will be totally embarrassed I blogged about this but it is so funny I don't ever want to forget it.

The other day Devon came running down the stairs in a panic. Apparently, he was in the midst of shaving his head with the hair clippers, took off the attachment to trim up his neck and saw a spot he missed earlier. He forgot he took off the attachment and now he has a bald strip on the front of head.

His face had panic written all over it as this is the second time in a 3 month period this has happened. He didn't want to face his friends again with this heinous hairdo. He informed me he would not be going to bed until he made a wig.

His first failed attempt was to put his shaved off hair onto a piece of tape and try to adhere it to his head. Devon's second failed attempt was to color his shaved head with a black marker hoping the black would blend in with his BROWN hair. He asked me how to make a wig then he asked if our neighbor who is a hairdresser had any wigs for sale. He tried to do a comb over with the surrounding air which was all of about 3 cm long. Then he went to bed. (I was secretly laughing the whole time.)

A few days later he discovered that he could pile on his shaved off hair (and why is it not in the garbage by now?) and hairspray it onto his head. Who knows how much hairspray this takes. It actually looked pretty good to the untrained eye. He was so pleased with this he decided to try this on a school day. I guess his friends caught on to it because he said they ripped it off and laughed at him. Thank goodness he is a boy. His hair is now growing back and is not looking quite so obvious. If I can get a picture of it without him knowing I will post it to the blog.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Spinner Bikes

THESE BEAUTIES have been my latest obsession. I have wanted my own spinning bikes for a long time. I found them at Costco for a really good price so BOB bought them for me. YEAH!! I have been running for so long that my hips have become really tight and painful. I have stopped running until summer and now my hips have been pain free. I feel like a new woman. And really, how can you not love cycling to Earth, Wind and Fire, Sheryl Crow, Queen, U2, etc. etc. IF you haven't tried it I really recommend it.

Disclaimer: I only recommend it if the teacher is good. I have been to some really bad teachers and it is NOT fun.

Two Month Catch Up!

I don't know where my time has gone. The holidays were really crazy and January seemed to be just as crazy. Our Christmas was great! We had the Lowe Family Party at our house. We also had the Morris Family party here. There are pictures of my Mom reading her christmas story to the kids. Also, Syd and I went to the nutcracker and so Bob took our picture before we left. This is a tradition that Sydney and I have done together for the last 3 or 4 years. We both love it and the boys are just happy they don't have to go. work for everyone. Also....this will probably be the last snowman I build this year. Actually, I should have said the only snowman. Jack and Alec seem to be happy with it. It's really my best work.